Design feedback should be actionable and useful. To achieve this, emphasize facts, not interpretations.
Here’s how you can share design feedback in a collaborative manner:
Clarify your intention.
Clarify how your intention balances business, tech, and user goals.
Give feedback based on facts, not opinion.
E.g. —Opinion: “This font size is too small; it should be increased.” —Fact: “We’re designing this for older adults who may suffer from a loss of visual acuity that comes with age. They might find the font size too small to read. We should consider increasing it.”Provide the recipient with time to think and respond to the feedback.
And above all, be kind 😊
P.S. 👉 Ideally, as a product team, you would co-define a design critique process to foster a positive culture that supports design improvements. Method to try: “Thinking Hats”.
*This post originally appeared on LinkedIn